This Week in Poetry #3: Jan 15-21, 2020


morning coffee
the upstairs neighbor dragging
furniture again


gusty day
sun and shadow dance
on the curtains

—january 17


scent of rose tea—
memories of summer rain I wish
had been endless


winter evening
the old man’s garden by the wall
half leafless

—january 18


scent of bleach
filling my bathroom—
the upstairs neighbor’s

—january 20


crisp morning
struggling with the aftermath
of anxiety insomnia


cat napping
on a blanket by the window, then
reggaeton beats


power tools
unprettily punctuate my poems
rescue artist: Yoshida Brothers


letting go
of words not meant for me
library return

—january 21

This Week in Poetry is an experiment in journaling through poetry, and sharing micro-moments of my life and writings, every week for a whole year. Thanks for coming along for part of the journey.

Heyo! If you liked this, you might also like my newsletter, where I’ll announce new blog posts and share fun things just for subscribers.

Photo Credits
Top photo: Christy Moyer.
Bottom photo: Crystal.

This Week in Poetry #2: Jan 8-14, 2020


entering words
in a spreadsheet all day
unseen leaves

—january 8


tea break
while the printer spits papers
the cat’s round eyes


the promise to yourself
to take a break in ten minutes

—january 9


the humid scent
of warm bean soup
kitchen fan


the last box
of Christmas, in the recycling
turns the cat restless

—january 10


a sleeping house
the unsettled feeling
of something left undone


sun spot
on a damp tank top
winter laundry

—january 11


breathing in
the morning, I try to forget
the past

—january 12


cleaning day
because there are a thousand
other things to do


hot cup of tea
at the beginning
of a thousand-page book

—january 13


stacked boxes…
slowly unburying
18 years

—january 14

Heyo! If you liked this, you might also like my newsletter, where I’ll announce new blog posts and share fun things just for subscribers.

Photo Credits
Both photos by Crystal.

This Week in Poetry #1: Jan 1-7, 2020

sirens wail
amidst the crackling fireworks
black cat pounces

january 1

words and self
strung together
on a backdrop
of bright video game music

—january 3

the whistling osprey
over lunch-hour traffic

—january 6

blurred vision
the same old screen
same old darkness

upstairs, feet stomp
I think
I should meditate more often

—january 7

Heyo! If you liked this, you might also like my newsletter, where I’ll announce new blog posts and share fun things just for subscribers.

Top photo: Krister.
Bottom photo: Crystal.

Publication: Poetry in Atlas Poetica “Tanka of Flowing Tranquility”

Photo by Hide Obara

…it is the quiet humility of tranquility that may help to save us. While we absolutely must recognise and fight against the evils that multiply around us, it’s also essential that we give awareness and energy to the good.

Kira Lily Nash
“Tanka of FLowing Tranquility”

Exciting news: My first-ever officially published tanka is now live, as part of the Atlas Poetica/Keibooks special feature “Tanka of Flowing Tranquility”!

The collection was edited by the kind and conscious writer, editor, and designer Kira Lily Nash. It features 26 short poems written in the tanka form, chosen to provide moments of restful peace in a world that encourages us to hurry, worry, and fixate.

Many of the collection’s poets have quite illustrious backgrounds and biographies, and I’m honored to have my work included alongside that of people so very much more respectable than I am. (Read that as tongue-in-cheek, but also true.)

If you’re seeking beauty or inner stillness, the collection has lots to offer. Why not go and see for yourself?

Cultivate and nourish the tranquility that rests within all of of us. It may seem hard to find, but really it’s just lying dormant, like a spring that waits patiently for the rains to come. Take the time to breathe.

Kira lily Nash
”Tanka of Flowing Tranquility”