This Week in Poetry #4: Jan 22-28, 2020


evening tea
washing the dust from my mind
then, work

—january 23


early birthday dinner
Buddha’s delight and a root beer float
not bad

—january 24


birthday eve morning
bleary-eyed from a long night
of the neighbors’ remodeling


crisp afternoon
talking on about nothing
sun dripping through the live oak


lunar new year
stuffed with chocolate chip muffins
I throw the cat a sock

—january 25


as usual
upstairs: stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp
3 a.m.


birthday wish:
don’t walk on my ceiling all night
crazy neighbor

—january 26


mint green tea
the scent of clear sunlight
and potential

—january 27


lunch-hour traffic
the shadows of the trees
stand still

—january 28

This Week in Poetry is an experiment in journaling through poetry, and sharing micro-moments of my life and writings, every week for a whole year. Thanks for coming along for part of the journey.

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Photo Credits
Photos: Crystal.